Anchoring - Part 2
- Remember: the wind or tide will move your boat around the anchor; you should allow a 360-degree area for movement.
- Pick a spot upwind from where you wish to end up (once you set anchor, you will drift downwind).
- Calculate the amount of rode needed to set anchor (rode = 7 to 10 x water depth).
- Ready rode in a fashion that will allow the anchor to release smoothly to the bottom; ensure that no feet or equipment are entangled in the rope.
- Attach the line to a bow cleat. Never tie the line to the stern: the additional weight could bring on water.
- Slowly lower the anchor from the bow, rather than the stern, to avoid capsizing or swamping.
- When the anchor has hit bottom—and sufficient rode is given out—give a solid pull to set the anchor.
- Secure and adjust the line.
